​​​Transition Planning

  • Evaluation
  • Consultation
  • Program Development
  • Person Centered Planning
  • Training

Educational Consulting *  Transition Planning * Occupational Therapy * Assistive Technology

​​Educational Consulting

  • Program Consultation
  • LRE Consultation
  • Low Incidence Disabilities
  • Curriculum Modifications
  • Professional Development

O​​ccupational Therapy & Assistive Technology*

  • Evaluation
  • Consultation
  • Training
  • Professional Development

Educational Consulting Services

  • Program Consultation: Are you a teacher who needs help or ideas to improve, adapt or develop your transition or other special education program? Are you a parent who is concerned that the needs of your child are not being met in school?

  • LRE Consultation: Are you a teacher struggling to effectively and meaningfully include students with developmental, intellectual or other type of significant disability in the general education classroom? Are you a parent who is concerned that your child is not fully benefiting from inclusive education?

  • Low Incidence Disabilities: Are you a teacher who finds yourself thinking "The needs of this student are different from any other student. I need help with this student." Are you a parent who feels that your child's unique learning needs are not being understood and appropriately met?

  • Curriculum Modifications:  Are you a teacher who wonders "How do I include this student in my class in a meaningful way? Is the student learning? Am I doing all that I can do?" Are you a parent who feels that your child can learn what other children are learning if only there were changes made that would meet his/her learning style?

Assistive Technology Services*

After more than 20 years as an assistive technology professional I have made the decision to retire from this aspect of my practice and devote myself entirely to transition planning. Thank you to all of the folks who have trusted me with their AT needs. It has been an honor to serve you all. 

Occupational Therapy Services

  • Evaluation: Are you a school district team member or parent looking for an independent occupational therapy evaluation for either your student or your child? Are you concerned about your student or your child's ability to perform in the occupational role of a student?

  • Consultation: Are you a teacher who struggles with meeting the unique needs of your student(s) in terms of providing a learning experience that is functional and relevant? Are you a parent who struggles with teaching or carrying over daily living skills in your home and the community?

  • Training: Teachers do you know how to adapt the environment to make your students available for learning ? Does the paraprofessional support staff know how to carry over OT recommendations into daily routines in the classroom? 

  • Professional development: As a teacher are you aware of the types of services and treatment options that occupational therapists can provide for your students? Are you an occupational therapist who wishes to move beyond handwriting? Are you an occupational therapist who views school-based occupational therapy services as something best suited to younger students?

If You Answered "Yes" to Any of These Questions Contact Dr. Kardos 

  • All evaluations and consultations take place in the natural environment. 

  • On-site full-day training on a variety of topics; professional development training will be customized to meet the challenges that educators and related service providers in your district are faced with. Effective solutions for your specific needs. 

  • Two-day training options available at a reduced rate.

  • Call for availability and rates. 

  • Licensed in CT

Transition Planning

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Transition Planning Services

  • Evaluation: Are you a teacher who needs help in conducting comprehensive evaluations to identify your student's current level of performance in the TP areas? Are you a parent who is concerned that your child's needs have not been thoroughly identified?

  • Person Centered Planning: Are you a professional interested in learning how to conduct PCP? Are you a team interested in having a PCP session facilitated for one of your students? Are you a parent who wishes to have a PCP session completed for your child?

  • Consultation: Are you a teacher who has questions about adequately meeting the mandates of IDEA and preparing your students for adulthood? Are you a parent who has questions about the direction that your child should be heading in to be able to move on to adult life?

  • Program development: Teachers, is your transition program adequately addressing transition standards and best-practices in transition planning? Do you have a structured curriculum for your transition program or are you making it up as you go along? Does your program look different this year than it did last year? Are you a parent who feels that your child does the same things over and over again like going to the grocery store and out to eat?

  • Professional development:  Are you a professional who needs assistance in evaluating student needs and monitoring student progress? Do you need help in implementing best-practices in transition planning? Are you a parent who is wondering what transition planning is all about?