"For the first time I feel like we have a real plan for my 

child. I wish that we had done this type of planning years ago. "

J. G. Parent

For students, parents, professionals, teams. 

Realistic solutions for special educational needs. 


For information on services and rates please call 203-414-8390

"This was one of the best trainings that I have been to in a long time. Muncie is an excellent presenter. She has walked in our shoes and understands what we go through in trying to meet the needs of our kids on a daily basis "

M. J. Special Education Teacher

Transition Planning

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For everything you need to know!

Kids grow up fast. Are you ready for the next chapter? 


Kardos Educational Consulting LLC

Educational Consulting *  Transition Planning * Occupational Therapy * Assistive Technology

O​​ccupational Therapy & Assistive Technology*

  • Evaluation
  • Consultation
  • Training
  • Professional Development

​​Educational Consulting

  • Program Consultation
  • LRE Consultation
  • Low Incidence Disabilities
  • Curriculum Modifications
  • Professional Development

​​​Transition Planning

  • Evaluation
  • Consultation
  • Program Development
  • Person Centered Planning
  • Training